Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sleep. Sleep. And no sleep.

I’ve heard that the second day of sleep is always the worst when dealing with jetlag. I think it’s true. I went to bed right after my post last night, around 9:45 or so and was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I woke up after a period and was ready to go, which would’ve been great had it not been 2 AM. I tried to go back to sleep, and around 3 AM managed to do so, only to wake up 45 minutes later. At that point, I just stayed awake.

This morning was less productive overall than yesterday morning. That was, in part, due to my working on my talk (which is tomorrow) that needed significant revisions based on what I observed during the first day in other people’s talks (I have to make things more basic). Also, Nina was telling me about how the husband of the woman who watches Emma during the day is in the hospital and unable to watch Emma over the next few days. So Nina has to take Emma to work then, which is daunting. I was trying to help offer ways to keep Emma entertained for those few hours while Nina works…I may have helped get about 45 minutes set. Hopefully the new environment and people will help keep Emma in check.

Other than that, I had breakfast and went to the workshop for 10. Today’s talks and sessions were a bit more stimulating, I would say than yesterday’s. That’s not to say yesterday’s talks were less interesting, but rather, I think people were a bit more adjusted and ready to discuss things in detail, so the workshop was a bit more lively. Lots of ideas, lots of yelling, lots of not-so-polite dismissals of other people’s ideas…pretty much par for the course. ;)

Back in the hotel room now, feeling sleepy. It’s not quite 6 PM, yet, and a bunch of us are meeting to go to dinner at 6:30. I have a feeling that I won’t last very long tonight and will be getting to bed early again. Waking up early tomorrow will actually be a goal, however, as I still need to work on my talk…and see if I can make it stimulating without getting yelled at. There are not guarantees.

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