Thursday, August 2, 2007

I’m going to hell anyway….

We were out for dinner tonight at a teppenyaki restaurant here in Taiwan. We’ve eaten well all week, though this place was more of a “above the food court in the mall” kind of place…definitely not on par with what we’ve had earlier this week.

So we’re sitting in this crowded room (because the teppenyaki in this place was brought to the table rather than having us sit at the grill). As we’re eating, from behind the wall next to us, we hear some noises. We all look up and just stare. We hear the noises again…the sounds of a dog barking. And we just freeze for a few moments—all 8 of us.

I know it’s wrong, but it’s what happened. I’m sorry.

Not too much exciting to report today. It was the longest day, I think of the workshop—not in terms of hours but in terms of just getting through the day. I think knowing that it’s near the end plays a big part in it…we’re all thinking about getting home.

I, personally, cannot wait to be home. I miss being there, I feel guilty for not being there, and I just like the comfort of being in my own place. I’m very excited to get back there.

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